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Emily Bieberly Shares Weight Loss Tips With 90 Day Fiance Fans

90 Day Fiancé star Emily Bieberly’s makeover, which is evident via her before and after weight loss photos, inspires fans who want to get fit.

Emily Bieberly from 90 Day Fiance had valuable weight loss advice to share with fans who reached out to the young mom for help. The 29-year-old Emily met her now husband Kobe Blaise when she was in China working as an English teacher. Emily and Kobe, an underwear model, hit it off immediately and within weeks, got engaged and soon, even pregnant. Emily gave birth to baby son Koban when she came back to America and Kobe had gone back to his native Cameroon. When Kobe saw Emily again after two years on 90 Day Fiance season 9, the first thing he noticed about her was her weight gain.


Emily’s parents’ number one rule for her after Kobe arrived in the US on his K-1 visa was for her to not get pregnant. But Emily, who was using a faulty ovulation app and not using protection, did and got married to Kobe while keeping her soon-to-arrive second baby a secret. Emily’s baby was born after the 90 Day Fiance season 9 finale. Fans got to meet little Scarlet on the Tell-All when she’d already turned a few months old, and Emily looked very different after having lost a lot of weight. Emily claimed she’d encapsulated her placenta and ate it in order to lose her post-baby weight after having Scarlet within two weeks.

Related: How Weight Loss Changed 90 Day Fiance’s Emily Bieberly’s Life & Image

But fans have also noticed how hard Emily works on her fitness—especially with the Instagram stories Emily posts about hitting the gym early in the morning to get her workout in. Emily hosted a question and answer session with her Instagram fans when someone told Emily about how they’ve been struggling to lose weight for two years. “How do you do it?the 90 Day Fiance fan asked Emily who replied by posting a mirror selfie in which she looked amazingly fit. “Stay consistent and focused,Emily told the TLC viewer. She asked them to not get defeated if they don’t see their weight move on the scale.

Remember slow and steady wins the race,” the full-time stay-at-home mom Emily told her fan. Someone else asked Emily how she balances her fitness journey while being a wife and a mom. “I just make time for it, Emily replied. She explained that 5 am is exactly what works for her. Having her “me time“is therapy for Emily. Meanwhile, Emily shared the recipe for her favorite peaches and cream dessert with her followers as well. 90 Day Fiance star Emily wrote that she adds a “splash” of heavy cream with a “drizzle” of honey and a “dash“ of cinnamon to chopped peaches and that it tastes “soooo good!

Emily and Kobe with their two young kids are still staying with her parents in Salinas even though Kobe has a new job, and Emily now has plenty of savings. Emily shared that it’s because the housing market is “terrible right now.” Emily and Kobe help around with all of her family’s projects and spend their time downstairs or outside while trying to keep the kids busy. For those who follow Emily on Instagram, there’s never a dull moment in the 90 Day Fiance star’s life. Apart from all the weight loss help that she gives, there’s always room for cute baby videos and of course, parenting tips on the Pillow Talk Emily’s fan-favorite page.

Sources: Emily Bieberly/Instagram

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